Plastics for Change
Organyc has partnered with Plastics for Change and we are on a mission to repair our precious planet. Our earth offers us a perfect design for living with resources that could serve humankind forever, yet our treatment of our earth and oceans is accelerating when forever could run out. Beyond just a clean-up campaign, this partnership empowers those whose actions makes this repair possible. Working with women who collect plastic refuge, Plastics for Change ensures that their efforts are fairly compensated, helping lift them economically with better living conditions and giving them the respect they deserve. The Organyc brand is proud to partner with Plastics for Change with thousands of kilograms of plastics recycled and thousands of lives changed, this partnership is how they fulfil the Organyc brand’s promise, that women can Expect Respect. Respect for their body, respect for their sensitive skin, and respect for the earth on which we all live.
Keep up to date on our partnership with PFC on our social media channels.